Archive for the ‘Sean’ Category

Last week I attended a panel discussion called: “I remember AU When… The Age of Protest.” The panelists were three graduates of American University from the 1960s and ’70s. After eating Swedish meatballs, checking out the slide show, and listening to The Grateful Dead’s “Casey Jones,” they gave a somewhat interesting presentation on the political […]

source Am I just going to far with my April stress-induced cynicism? A little optimism wouldn’t kill me. But then again I might just be right in thinking One Laptop Per Child is full of it. The OLPC Foundation is a non-profit that has been around since January ’05. Their goal is to create a […]

A technological revolution is transforming society in a profound way. If harnessed and directed properly, information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to improve all aspects of our social, economic and cultural life. ICTs can serve as an engine for development in the 21st century, yet the majority of the world’s population has yet […]

“Knowledge should be free.” What a naive statement, eh? Well you say potato, I say idealistic. The Open Access movement is about changing a 300-year legacy of academic journal publication. As bloggers we’d like to add to this movement. One effect of keeping the latest academic discoveries hidden from the general public in expensive journals […]